Modern Slavery Statement


This statement is made on behalf of Carsa Limited, also known as Carsa in accordance with section 54 of the Modern Slavery Act 2015 and constitutes our slavery and human trafficking statement for the financial year ending 31 March 2021.

We are clear that we have a duty to take a definitive and robust approach to preventing all acts which may be considered as slavery; including, but not confined to, forced and compulsive labour, child labour and human trafficking.

Addressing this challenge, we are absolutely committed to defining and implementing appropriate policies and procedures, to eliminate slavery throughout our business, corporate activities and supply chains.

Our Business and Structure

Carsa Limited currently operates throughout the United Kingdom as a retailer of quality used vehicles.

This statement covers, but is not confined to, all their locations and any potential additional locations, alongside all the activities of Carsa.

Responsibility of the organisation’s anti-slavery initiatives can be defined as the below:

  • Policies: Ultimate responsibility for defining and implementing policies and procedures lies with the board of directors. The directors will ensure that everything implemented acts in accordance with current legislation, across all sites and in relation to colleagues.
  • Risk Assessments: the board is also responsible for human rights and modern slavery risk analysis.
  • Investigations/due diligence: The board holds responsibility for appointing an HR manager in relation to investigate known or suspected instances of slavery and human trafficking.

Our Supply Chains

Our supply chains include Auction Houses, Valeting providers, Motor Part Manufacturers and Retailers, IT Services, Marketing and Web design companies. We have reviewed our risks that these supply chains can present and whilst we consider our exposure to modern slavery to be limited, we expect our suppliers and contractors to demonstrate a zero- tolerance approach to exploitation.

Before we appoint our main suppliers, we carry out an approved supplier process if any supplier is then found in breach of our Modern Slavery Statement, they will then be removed from our approved supplier list.

Relevant Policies

  • Whistleblowing Policy: We welcome and actively encourage all employees, contractors and suppliers at all levels, to be open and honest. That’s because we
  • recognise that the most effective manner of dealing with concern, risks or malpractice is through honest, open and transparent communication. This policy aims to provide colleagues with guidance on how to raise concerns, alongside defining the process the company will take once a disclosure has been made, because it applies to all colleagues, all colleagues are expected to familiarise themselves with its provisions.
  • It is a fundamental policy of Carsa to conduct business with honesty and integrity and in accordance with the highest standards of ethics, equality and fair dealing. We appreciate the key role that our colleagues play in maintaining high standards and ensuring as a business that we are compliant in all aspects of regulations set forth by the UK Government.


Because we are committed to appropriately educating and developing our people, every employee is made aware of the Modern Slavery Statement via the employee handbook at the time of induction. This covers:

  • Initial steps to be taken if slavery or human trafficking is expected
  • Steps to escalate potential slavery or human trafficking issues to relevant parties within the company
  • External help available e.g. the Modern Slavery Helpline, Gang-masters Licensing Authority and “Stronger Together” initiative

Due Diligence

As a result of a slavery and human trafficking business risk assessment, aims at identifying and mitigating risk, we’ve taken the following actions:

  • Developed and implemented training to our Management Teams to identify, assess mitigate and report specifically on modern slavery
  • Developed, defined and communicated our Modern Slavery Policy to all colleagues, and those we conduct business with
  • Ensured that our confidential whistleblowing reporting line is clearly promoted in all Carsa sites

We’re dedicated to continually seeking to identify and manage any potential risks associated with modern slavery, that’s why we’ve endeavoured to put appropriate safeguards in place. These have been designed to ensure that, as far as reasonably practicable, working practices of all colleagues and those we work with also have a similar zero tolerance policy to modern slavery.


Admin Fee

To find out more about our admin fees, please click here.

Finance Disclosure

Carsa Ltd is authorised and regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority, FCA Registered Number (FRN) 935130. Carsa Ltd is a Credit Broker not a Lender. It is our intention to provide a high level of service at all times. However if you have reason to make a complaint about our service you should contact If we are unable to resolve your complaint satisfactorily, you may be entitled to refer the matter to the Financial Ombudsman Service (FOS). Further information is available by calling the FOS on 0845 080 1800 or visit You can check on the FCA's Register by visiting the FCA website or by contacting the FCA on 0800 111 6768. Lenders typically pay a fixed commission to us for introducing you to them, calculated by reference to the vehicle model, product or amount you borrow. Different lenders may pay different commissions for such introductions. However, any such amounts lenders pay us will not affect the amount if interest you pay under your finance agreement, all of which are set by the lender concerned. At any time prior to concluding your vehicle purchase, if you are an individual, sole trader or small partnership, you are entitled to request details of any commission we will receive as a result of arranging your finance with a lender. Santander Consumer Finance also provide preferential rates to us for the funding of our vehicle stock.

© Carsa 2022

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